First of all, it happened so quickly! They found me through my LinkedIn profile and emailed me about a job opportunity as a Lead Product Manager. Wow! I was flattered. I had a 45 minute phone screen with the recruiter and it went really well...mostly questions about my experience, managing people, and education. Nothing too hard or anything. I really did not prepare for it, I was just myself. The one question she asked that caught me off guard a little bit was "What is the most important accomplishment of your life?" If you want to know my answer, let me know. Anyways, she said I fit the mold of the type of product manager they look for and I sent her some information and we set up a phone screen for Wednesday (just 3 days later).
I didn't really prepare or the 2nd phone screen either. It pretty much went like this:
- 5-6 minutes talking about my experience
- 20 minutes talking about how I would improve a product that I really liked
- 4-5 minutes for questions I had for them
It seemed very rushed and although I answered the questions well (at least I thought), it just seemed rushed to the point where I didn't feel comfortable about how the interview went. Oh well...I thought..
Next day I get an email that says that they really liked me and want to fly me out for an in-person interview. Wow, that was cool...but then my mind started racing...was I ready to fly my entire family out there if I got a job offer? I didn't want to waste Google's time or mislead them if there was a very low likelihood of taking a job given my current family situation. I really struggled...I didn't want to look back and regret that I had not gone out there...but I also wanted to be honest with Google and with myself. To thine ownself be true!
After spending some time thinking about it, I called to politely decline for the following reasons:
- Fit - The job wasn't quite a good fit for my skills/interest. I love research and market analysis and this opportunity did not lend itself to that as much. I like sizing markets and public market launches. So it just wasn't the ideal fit.
- Career - At this point in my career, I want to manage and lead people and take that next step forward in my career progression. I wasn't quite ready to start over at a new company. Plus I like where I am now.
- Family - My extended family is nearby and at this stage it makes more sense for me to stay near them.
We had a positive call and you never know what the future holds!