Sunday, August 9, 2009

The best thing I read this weekend

So, I read "Strengths Based Leadership" and took their assessment this weekend. It was a pleasant read and has tidbits of information that were insightful. It found was that there are no series of traits or strengths that all leaders typically possess. Rather, is it identifying your strengths and building a team around you that will complement (not compliment) them. It goes through 4 case studies of corporate leaders and how their differing strengths were utilized to lead them and their companies to success. While this was a bit intriguing, it was NOT the best thing I read this weekend.

The best thing I read this weekend was a 1 page article in BusinessWeek. It is titled "The Best Leadership is Good Management (click here). Can you lead and manage at the same time? This reminded me of MBWA (Management By Walking Around). It is a great technique for talking to folks, developing trust, mentoring and guiding, and of course, managing!

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